Hotels near Reumannplatz U1 Station in Vienna

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Vienna Reumannplatz Station

Reumannplatz is a square in the 10th district, Favoriten. Reumannplatz U-Bahn Station is the terminal station of metro line U1. Major streets near Reumannplatz include Davidgasse, Herndlgasse, Wielandplatz (another square), and Laaer-Berg-Strasse.

Hotels close to U1 Reumannplatz Station

There are several good hotels in Favoriten, though only a few hotels are located close to Reumannplatz Station. Here you can see the hotels map of Reumannplatz area, Favoriten, and Wieden (the next district to the north, towards to city centre).

Hotels near U1 stations closer to Vienna city centre

As you can see on the map, more hotels than near Reumanplatz Station are located close to the next U1 station, Keplerplatz. Even more hotels can be found on the following stations in Wieden district – accommodation options get better as you get closer to the inner city: Südtiroler Platz (also an S-Bahn station), Taubstummengasse Station, and of course Karlsplatz, one of the most popular hotel areas in Vienna at the edge of Innere Stadt and close to Vienna State Opera.

Booking Vienna Reumannplatz Station hotels

Many hotels in Vienna are often sold out long in advance. Book your hotel early, especially when you are coming in the busy periods (such as summer or pre-christmas time) and/or you are not flexible with dates of stay in Vienna.