Hotels near Keplerplatz U1 Station in Vienna

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Book a hotel near Keplerplatz Station

Here you can see available hotels near Keplerplatz. You can filter and sort the hotels by price, star count, guest review rating, or distance from Keplerplatz Station:

Wien Keplerplatz Station

Keplerplatz Station is the penultimate station on Vienna metro (U-Bahn) line U1. Neighbouring stations are Reumannplatz (terminus) and Südtiroler Platz. Keplerplatz is a square in the 10th district (Favoriten). Major streets near Keplerplatz are Gudrunstrasse and Laxenburger Strasse.

Hotels close to Keplerplatz Station in Vienna

Although the concentration of hotels in Favoriten is considerably lower compared to the inner city, there are several good hotels very close to Keplerplatz U1 Station. These hotels have 2, 3, or 4 stars and most of them are situated at Laxenburger Strasse. Here you can see the hotels highlighted on a map of Keplerplatz surroundings.

The nearest 5 star hotels are near Belvedere (e.g. 5* Pakat Suites Hotel in Mommsengasse) or Karlsplatz. Karlsplatz Station (3 stops from Keplerplatz) has the best accommodation options among the places near Keplerplatz.

Vienna Keplerplatz Station hotel booking

Book accommodation early if you can. Many hotels in Vienna are often fully booked long in advance. The busiest periods in Viennese hotels are July, August, and December, but short-term hotel demand spikes occur on numerous occasions throughout the year.