Bus from Vienna Airport to Gyor, Budapest

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Eurolines operate a route from Vienna International Airport to Györ and Budapest. Buses depart every two hours during the day every day, but not all of them stop in Györ. One-way ticket to Budapest costs EUR 29, a return ticket can go as low as EUR 37. One way and return tickets to Györ are EUR 16 and EUR 22, respectively. People under 26 or over 60 get a 10% discount.

Another regular route operated by Eurolines is to the Magyar cities of Sopron, Bad Bük, Sárvár, and Héviz. There is only one connection on Saturday morning from Vienna International Airport (leaves at 8:45) to Hungary. The bus returns from Hungary to Vienna Airport the same day and arrives at 18:20 in the evening.

Eurolines buses leave in front of the departure section of the airport.


Orangeways also operate a route to Budapest. These buses leave at 19:20 in the evening in front of the arrivals area. The journey from Vienna to Budapest should take about three hours with both carriers.

Note: The schedule and prices are as of July 2009. Go to the carriers’ websites for updates.